‍DelFin Interreg Central Europe

Project description:

Interreg Central Europe project Development of Financial Ecosystems for the Promotion of Social Entrepreneurship in Rural Regions is motivated by the social challenges that European rural regions are currently facing, such as brain drain, unemployment and aging of the population. 

The main objective of the project is to promote social entrepreneurship in rural regions with special transformation challenges to advance economic and social innovation. Project activities will facilitate cooperation process of regional and local stakeholders in the financial ecosystem for social entrepreneurship in a rural environment.

Project outputs:

The project will allow a transnational mutual learning process of partners with different experiences, but similar challenges. During this project the partners will:

- develop a toolbox for promotion of social entrepreneurship in rural areas;

- implement four pilot projects for testing toolbox for promotion of social entrepreneurship;

- implement eight capacity building seminars with focus on municipalities and finance institutions;

- carry out four action plans for promotion of social entrepreneurship in rural regions to ensure sustainability and mainstreaming of project results.

Partners at a glance: 

- Development Bank of Saxony-Anhalt and Merseburg Innovation and Technology Center (DE); 

- Hajdú-Bihar County Government and IFKA Public Benefit Non-Profit Ltd. for the Development of the Industry (HU);

- Town of Duga Resa and Brodoto (HR); 

- Giacomo Brodolini Foundation and Finpiemonte (IT).

Overall project value: 

- 1.918.901,00€


ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) co-financing:

- 1.565.548,00 €


EU projects


