Image of War

The challenge: Provide visibility and provide funding for the launch and regular operation of a war photography museum with a socially responsible component.

The process: The idea was to raise funds to run a museum of unusual themes for Croatia. To spread the word about the museum itself, and to avoid negative connotations on a war theme. By launching the Image of war crowdfunding campaign in the spring of 2018, the goal is to create a place that would achieve dialogue and educate on the devastating consequences of any war and the importance of maintaining peace for society as a whole.

The solution: “Image of War” museum therefore hired the Brodoto team to run a crowdfunding campaign "War belongs in a Museum!" on Indiegogo platform and to write a project application for the call by Ministry of Culture. The Brodoto team led the entire crowdfunding, PR, and marketing campaign and designed the museum's visual identity. Logo, book of graphic standards, design of promotional materials and visual solutions within the museum area, as well as the development and implementation of the media and communication strategy all contributed to the launching success of the museum. The campaign has resonated across Croatia. The news of the opening has been published in many printed and electronic media. We count over 50 media outlets with success in avoiding crisis PR due to the sensitivity of the topic. Besides that, Brodoto successfully contributed to the Ministry of Culture's competition and secured additional funding to start the business. Cooperation continued through 2019/2020, where we launched two campaigns to increase the number of visitors to the museum and organised a series of thematic events.

War photography museum “Image of War” is the first ever crowdfunded museum in Croatia but it’s also a museum on a mission of influencing the present - a portion of revenue from all tickets sold is donated to refugees and war victims around the world. In order to evolve from an idea to actual launching of ​​launching the museum, they were in need of further financing and a brand development plan to ensure a successful market penetration.




