Learning Together w/ Social Business Hub Styria

"Learning Together" is an innovative project under the Erasmus+ Programme's 2022 Call for Small-scale partnerships in adult education, developed by Brodoto from Croatia in collaboration with Social Business Club Styria from Austria. This project aims to enhance the skills and knowledge of adult learners, focusing on entrepreneurial learning with a particular emphasis on social and environmental impact.

The project's main objectives include increasing the capacities of participating organizations to support adult learners, enriching workshop methodologies with new content on crowdfunding and impact assessment, and contributing to regional adult lifelong learning programs and startup ecosystems.

The activities planned in this project are diverse and include peer-to-peer learning sessions between partner organizations, pilot workshops for innovative adults in both Croatia and Austria, and the production of a podcast program. These activities are designed to facilitate the exchange of expertise between the partners in crowdfunding and social innovation in entrepreneurship.

The project targets staff and members of partner organizations, innovative and entrepreneurial adult learners, particularly those with limited access to business development and entrepreneurial skills training, and NGOs and other organizations involved in adult education.

With a budget allocation of €60,000, "Learning Together" is set to create a significant impact in the field of adult education. The project aims to raise the capacities of both partner organizations to provide more diverse support to adults in lifelong learning, support ten innovative projects initiated by adult learners, and produce at least two podcasts per country on lifelong learning opportunities, entrepreneurship, social innovation, generating impact, and crowdfunding.

Running from February 1, 2023, to June 1, 2024, "Learning Together" stands as a model for future educational initiatives, showcasing the power of collaborative learning and development in adult education. The project not only focuses on the transfer of knowledge but also on building collaborative ties between Croatia and Austria, setting a standard for future initiatives in the realm of adult learning.

Presentations from the pilot workshops are public and can be downloaded here. If you want to learn more on how we structured our pilot workshop, follow this link. If you want to meet the teams we supported and get inspired by innovative social business approaches, click here.

For more materials and future lectures or consultations, please contact us at info@brodoto.com or info@socialbusinesshub.at. Be sure to listen to our podcasts featuring renowned social entrepreneurs and lifelong learning program leaders here.

Disclaimer: The support of the European Commission for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the content, which reflects the views of the authors only. The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained in the publication.


EU projects


